Job Hunting Forum

Friday, January 7, 2011

Sidestep the Common Unemployment Obstacles

With a new year here, it's time for a fresh start. But when you're unemployed, it's hard to elevate your motivation and keep your momentum going, especially for those who have been unemployed for an extended period of time. Make sure you don't fall into these common traps of unemployment.

1. Not Jumping on Your First Offer
So it isn't everything you hoped for. OK, fine. But if there's opportunity for growth and there are challenges to engage in, then it should be considered with a good deal of thought. Not simply dismissed.

2. Jumping on Your First Offer
Yeah, it contradicts the first tip, but they're just two sides to the same coin. If you know in your heart and mind that a position isn't right for you, doesn't challenge you in any way and is devoid of any sort of personal growth, then just walk away. Walk away.

3. Not Being Open to Relocation
You probably like the place you live and have your entire life there. That's why it's called 'living' somewhere. But if your job search hasn't yielded much in the way of interviews, opportunities or offers, then it might be time to consider packing it up and heading to a place that offers more opportunities and is witnessing industry growth.

4. Not Taking Advantage of Your Friends
OK, that sounds bad, but it's true! So many people are afraid to reach out to their friends and the people they know for contacts, introductions or information, even when their friends offer up help! Anyone will tell you, networking is perhaps the most common way people end up in the positions they end up in. And the truth is, people like helping people, so don't be coy and put your pride away and take people up on the offer - every offer.

5. Feeling Sorry for Yourself
Being unemployed can suck. It really, really can. But what good is moping around and acting sullen doing for anyone? It's not good for you, and it's certainly not good for those around you. Take it day by day. Positivity can be an exercise and an effort just like anything else. At first, it has to be consciously willed. Given some time, it just starts to happen naturally, without effort.

6. Holding out for an Unrealistic Income
Times are tough right now, and incomes aren't going to be what they were for similar positions in the past. You have to weigh the reality of what is happening with what your desired salary and benefits are. If you do get an offer, consider it a two-step move: you get to work in a new environment and still keep your resume in circulation.

7. Not Facing and Embracing Change
Even in 10 years, a lot has changed, and the job market is no exception. Some jobs have disappeared; some jobs have exploded. Seriously consider transitioning into a different field or industry where you think your skill set can add value. A lot of times, new industries don't have enough people to fill the positions they have or don't know what they need, simply because they're new.

8. Forgetting About Yourself 
You have the time, don't forget about taking care of numero uno: you. Attitude and physical fitness go hand in hand. Setting some time aside to exercise will make you feel a whole lot better in the long run. It'll build your confidence, you'll look better and you'll feel better too. Like anything, it's just falling into the routine. Force yourself at first, and soon, it'll just be part of your day. And don't forget, attitude is directly connected to success.

9. Displaying a Bad Mood
A bad mood is just going to alienate those around you and put you deeper and deeper into a funk. Use other outlets for your anger. Run, draw, play music, work out. Do something to let all those negative feelings and frustrations out.

10. Succumbing to Financial Pressure
Sometimes, there's nothing more stressful than the stress that comes along with financial problems. But the trick is not letting that stress to overwhelm your ambition and job search. If times are hard, you might have to borrow or get a temporary, part-time job. Do what you have to. 

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