Job Hunting Forum

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Good News on the Job Front

Recently, the New York Times reported that U.S. jobless claims fell more than expected last week and  initial claims for state unemployment benefits fell 23,000 to a seasonally adjusted 452,000.

That's good news for the economy and the country, but there still are plenty of individuals out of work, and if you're one of them, chances are frustration at not hearing callbacks or getting interviews can set in.

It's important to try and be creative, network and improve your  resume, but most of all, don't give up.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Some Things are Even More Scary Than Being Unemployed

A lot of people are unemployed, and there’s no doubt that it can be scary. But it’s always good to consider what you could be doing. 

Recently, a site spotlighted the top 10 scariest jobs, and I got to say I’m glad I don’t have to deal with cadavers, towering heights and bugs on a day to day basis. 

It’s a good reminder to keep your job search going and don’t sell yourself short. Sometimes, the alternatives are really scary to consider.

Dissecting Unemployment: What Drives It and What Can Help It

In today’s media cycle, not a day seems to go by that you don’t hear the word ‘unemployment.’ And with the national unemployment rate stagnant and nearly every state feeling the effects of the unemployed, the media should be talking about it. 

Talk is fine. Solutions are better. That’s why it was encouraging to Federal Open Market Committee debating whether or not the high unemployment of recent years is cyclical or structural, meaning if monetary government changes could affect unemployment or if it’s just the nature of the beast that is the current economy. Interesting to consider, and it’s encouraging, as in order to overcome something, it’s best to first understand it.   

Friday, October 22, 2010

Will the Real Unemployment Rate Please Stand Up

Halloween is right around the corner, and if you’re looking for a costume idea to really scare someone, consider dressing up as the real unemployment rate

That’s because economist John Williams is saying the rate is actually at 22.5 nationwide, instead of the 9.6 percent the government is reporting

Scary stuff, but I think it’s worth noting that Williams has been singing this song for awhile, even back in 2006.